Weaver Birds

The weaver bird creates intricately woven nests, usually cylindrical in shape, with downward-facing, narrow entrances. The bird loops and weaves strands of grass or strips of leaves around the ends of one or two branches in a tree before building the hollow body and adding the tubular entrance. This extraordinary creation by such a small animal exemplifies the practical use of weaving natural materials together.

Hotwalls Studio artist Steve Dodd from Studio 1 captured the creation of this weave, which took place alongside the Interactive Weaves final exhibition. Visitors passing by were invited to participate in this free workshop, weaving green plants and grasses into the giant knotted textile piece.


Old rope - Waterfront garden centre

driftwood - Chrissie, Hotwalls Manager

bamboo, willow and grasses - local plant waste


Steve Dodd - Acrylic on board life painting

Alice Hume - Plant weaving and knotting workshop

Incredible photographs by Alex Fountain.

The project has given my confidence to learn new skills and to get more involved in further local projects. The project was both educational and enormous fun. I have only visited Hotwalls Studios on one occasion before taking part in this project and am a new resident in Portsmouth.
— Pat, Workshop Attendee
A wonderful and enriching project. The artist brought community together in a very inclusive and non threatening atmosphere. People with no previous experience of textiles, like myself, felt empowered by the activities. The interactive weaves gave me a feeling of self worth. The style of the workshops made it easy to speak with other people taking part in workshops and comments from others included feeling calm, enjoying the opportunity to do something together in relaxed surroundings and how good it was to chat to people you had never met before - not something that normally happens on streets or in shops! A series of true community events and I wish I’d been free to come to more of the workshops. Was also a privilege to spend a few minutes watching artists paint the scenes
— Workshop Attendee
I love painting outdoors. It is a great joy. The interactive weaves project was such a well run enterprise that every passerby knew they were welcome to comment and chat to me as I painted and that added to the pleasure of the day. So happy to have played a small part in such a relaxed and inclusive art project.
— Steve Dodd, Hotwalls Artist

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Alice Hume